Shukrawar Vrat Katha in Hindi Maa Santoshi Lakshmi Ji Puja on Friday

Shukrawar Vrat Katha in Hindi Maa Santoshi Lakshmi Ji Puja on Friday

:- In Hinduism, Friday fast is observed to attain wealth, prosperity, happiness, property and prosperity. Mother Santoshi is worshipped on Friday. Those who observe Friday fast must follow some rules, only then it bears fruit. In such a situation, listen to a story during Friday fast, this pleases Mother Santoshi, Mother Lakshmi (Laxmi ji) and she uplifts her devotees.

Friday fasting story (Shukrawar Vrat Katha)

An old woman had seven sons. Six of them were earning and one was unemployed. She would feed her six sons with love and later feed the seventh son the leftovers from their plates. The seventh son’s wife was very unhappy because her mother-in-law treated her husband like this, the son was unaware of this.

The son came to know the truth about his mother

One day his wife told him the whole story. To find out the truth about being fed leftovers, the son pretended to have a headache and lay down in the kitchen. As soon as he found out the truth, he decided to go to another state. When he was about to leave, his wife asked for a token from him. He gave his wife a ring and left. As soon as he reached the other state, he got a job at a businessman’s shop and soon he made his place with hard work. By working hard, he became a famous businessman of the city in just twelve years and the businessman left leaving his entire business to him.

atrocities on daughter in law

On the other hand, after the son left the house, the mother-in-law and father-in-law started torturing the daughter-in-law. After making her do all the household work, they would send her to the forest to bring wood and on her return, they would give her rotis made of straw and water in a coconut shell. One day, while bringing wood, she saw some women worshipping Santoshi Mata, asked about its importance and method of worship. As per what she had heard from them, the daughter-in-law also sold some wood and took a pledge by going to Santoshi Mata temple, buying jaggery and gram worth one and a quarter rupees.

Friday fasting date Fruit

As soon as she observed Friday fasts, the results started showing. Within two Fridays, she received both her husband’s address and the money. The daughter-in-law asked Goddess Santoshi for the boon of her husband’s return. After that, Mata Santoshi appeared before the son in his dream and told him the story of her daughter-in-law’s sufferings. Along with this, she made him take a vow to return home after completing his work. With the blessings of the Goddess, the son returned home after completing all his work and after seeing his wife’s plight, he decided to live in another house with her.

mistake in initiation

On Friday, the wife expressed her desire to perform the Udyaapan and after taking permission from her husband, she invited her brother-in-law’s sons. The sister-in-law knew that eating sour food is prohibited during the Friday fast. She taught her children to ask for sour things. The children asked for sour things but when they were not given, they asked for money from their aunt and bought tamarind and ate it. This angered Santoshi Mata and the king’s soldiers took the daughter-in-law’s husband away.

The daughter-in-law apologized to the Goddess and resolved to perform the Udyaapan again. The husband returned home. The next Friday the daughter-in-law invited the Brahmin’s children for a meal and instead of giving money as dakshina, gave each one a fruit. This pleased Santoshi Mata and soon the daughter-in-law gave birth to a beautiful son. This led to the whole family living happily.

Friday Puja: Worshiping which goddess on Friday brings prosperity to the family

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on beliefs and information only. It is important to mention here that Any kind of belief or information is not confirmed. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the concerned expert.

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